Kabbah Art

What is Hajj & Eid Al Adha?

During the 12th Islamic lunar calendar month Dhul Hijah, millions of pilgrims from all over the world usually make their way to the city of Mecca to visit the Kabbah, the first house and holiest place of worship to perform Hajj. Hajj is one of the 5 acts of worship prescribed in the religion of Islam. But we are in the midst of a pandemic. Notably, the traditions of the Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him)sa have guided the decision in Saudi Arabic this year to confine pilgrims to those who are residing in the land. By his sayings, Muslims find answers on how to act under many circumstances, as… Read More

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Expatriates and living in Dubai

The UAE’s population comprises of over 85% expatriates. Dubai is home to over 180 different nationalities. As expected, this has made the globally recognised UAE, as the colossal collage of different cultures. While some expatriates (I like to call them guests) are happy to immerse themselves in UAE culture, others tend to network largely with fellow countrymen and other Westerners. As an Inter-cultural and motivational speaker, I have had the good fortune of meeting thousands of expatriates. My extensive work as an authentic source for UAE and Middle Eastern culture puts me in direct contact with expatriates who are new to the UAE, as well as those who have been… Read More

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Culturally Responsive Classroom Management

At a recent regional educational conference I overheard a conversation between seasoned teachers about teaching in the Middle East.   “I don’t know why I struggle so much with classroom management! I feel exhausted at the end of the day, rather than a sense that my students have learned something.  I’m not a recess monitor, I’m a teacher!” Acknowledging the problem is the first step in building a strategy that works towards creating caring, controlled, self-regulation classrooms that promote inclusion and successful learning outcomes.  However, UNDERSTANDING the root of the problem is vital. The conversation continued, “I have always thought of myself as a successful teacher, able to meet the needs… Read More

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Building UAE Chinese Relations through Shared Culture

Do great minds think alike? Not really. The best way to connect with someone is to get to know what we have in common. We often on a first meet look for commonalities in the small talk and social cues before we get down to any serious business. Companies may have a common purpose or goal to collaborate for a mutually beneficial outcome, but that’s not always enough. Getting to know one another, the stakeholders in an organization and mutual comfort zones, makes the difference in doing the deal. When it comes down to two competing equally skilled companies for the same bid or contract, the “people element is crucial”.… Read More

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Who is the Arab Culturalist

At the Arab Culturalist our aim is to educate about the basic facts that bring about a better understanding between cultures. We look for the similarities in all of us, we are human at the end of the day; same race, same species.   It is a fact that we have become very technologically advance and reached a point of extreme ease in the way we can connect and work together across the globe.  At the same time, we lack of true understanding of the basics about one another which divides us. Adding to this is the negativity in media vigorously promoted in the last decade.  Peaceful societies are creeping backward… Read More

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