At the Arab Culturalist our aim is to educate about the basic facts that bring about a better understanding between cultures. We look for the similarities in all of us, we are human at the end of the day; same race, same species. 

 It is a fact that we have become very technologically advance and reached a point of extreme ease in the way we can connect and work together across the globe.  At the same time, we lack of true understanding of the basics about one another which divides us.

Adding to this is the negativity in media vigorously promoted in the last decade.  Peaceful societies are creeping backward to an uncivilized way of judging and treating each other. Prejudice is on the rise as well as misconceptions and stereotypes.

At the Arab Culturalist we present a unique yet very basic educational principle: to bring about who we are as individuals aside from what we have been raised with, taught in schools, and driven to believe by society and media. We are one human race.

We look to establishing the foundation of understanding oneself and others from a cultural, traditional, religious and political point of you without judgement, preconceived ideas and dividing lines.

On this we build an intelligent view and understanding of how we must consider our perceptions of one another, how we can refute misconceptions and stereotypes with ease.

To become aware of our stance towards condition ourselves, we must ask the right questions, the why and how to improve our attitudes. The is the great outcome we look to achieve in delivering our programs.

Simple yet in depth, humorous yet very factual, and intellectually mind boggling. A breath of fresh air as many have commented after our talks. Join us in achieving our mission and contribute to pealing the layer of intolerance, help dissipate ignorance and make misconceptions vanish, making a difference is our choice and is a choice you have.

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