Cultural Intelligence is not just about spotting those cultural differences but what you do about it.  Harnessing cultural differences to your advantage in the workplace is about awareness, attitude and action.  How you behave sets the stage for those differences to become road blocks or a fantastic synergy that fosters innovation and growth within the organization. Smart leaders understand that diversity and inclusion drives innovation.  But how to harness that differences and transform the energy into innovative teams sometimes alludes them.

Cultural differences can play a major role in how we communicate, deliver and receive information. It affects every aspect of business from strategy building to decision making.  But what happens when multi-cultural teams or diverse clients get stuck in a communication rut?

Here are some tips on how to spot cultural differences that may be hurting your organization

  1. Frequent communication breakdowns
  2. Gossipy and Suspicious workplace environment
  3. Projects fail to meet deadlines or are completely off the mark
  4. Frequent hiring and re hiring for the same position
  5. Diversity strategies that are out of sync with your corporate culture

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